Thursday, June 28, 2007


Kasih sayang sesungguhnya sesuatu yang dapat memberikan keindahan di dalam kehidupan dan KASIH SAYANG intu sendiri merupakan keindahan pemberian Tuhan


KASIH SAYANG Kekeluargaan

Kasih sayang keluarga, kasih sayang yang tidk terpadam buat selama-lamanya. Kebencian, permusuhan, perbalahan dan segalam macam persengketaan di anatara ahli keluarga bukannya sesuatu yang kekal. Percaya atau tidak, sedalam mana kebencian di hati ahli keluarga, yang pastinya sekelumit kasih sayang jauh di lubuk hati tidak akan terpadam selama-lamanya.

Mungkin ada di kalangan ahli keluarga yang tidah mampu menunjukkan kasih sayang secara zahir, tidak dapat megatur kata bagi menyatakan betapa sayangnya mereka kepada kita, tidak menjadi kebiasan memeluk dan mengucup dahi, namun kasih sayang bukan sekadar zahir ataupun lahirnya.

Kasih sayang keluarga yang tidak mampu dizahirkan ini lazimnya akan terserlah bila mana jarak yang menjadi pemisah. Tanpa disedari, kasih sayang yang tersembunyi sekian lama akan dengan sendirinya terjelma tanpa disedari. Apabila tiba saat itu, akan nyatalah betapa indahnya kasih sayang keluarga.

For this Thanks mum and dad.


Friendship LOVE

Frienship love, a bond that could not be built within a shot period. We got to pay with time for this. Friendship love will be tighter after being tested, to name few, quarrel, argument, reasonable envy, and distrust. All of these, if handle gracefully and everyone has the sanity, the love will grow even better.

I do appreciate every moment I spent with my friends. Does not really matter if it was just fa drive back home, or just for a short dinner. I still go out with my close friend to accompany them even I just had my home cooked dinner. I really enjoy being with them. They are my advisor, my counselor, my listener, my dinner buddy, my movie mate, my academic critical thinking group, my gossip buddy, so on and so forth.

For this colum special thanks to Zarieq Alwey, Marul Olivares, FS, FA, Cik Pah, Mikey, Skylie, SheeD, Edward and R. I wish this list will be longer. :-)


Partnership LOVE

People always refer this type of love is blind.Cross almost all the barriers. Agree or not ,..... everyone have own explaination and definition... or could I say priciple. Having someone to love is surely an owesome thing to happen in a life. Despites all the fights and quarells, I still feel and the sweetness of having someone. The feeling of belonging give me a strength to love even more. Having someone to say good nite to end a day is a sweet thing.Greating the first morning wish is certainly a moment that I'm always waiting for.

Sometimes, this love might affect the friendship love. When where are facing a problem with the love one, friends will be the immidate referal point, but almost everytime whatever our friends said will be ignored. We just hope our friends to listen to our problem, we frequently ask for their opinion and advice .. but the action take will always what we want to do .. not what the input we gathered from our friends.

True friends with the true friendship love know this well. They will always be at ourside.

Thanks K.

1 comment:

F said...

-Gossip buddy! Oh yeah! I bet you're the greatest gossip buddy!!

-Bird watching....opsss sorry, human watching buddy! I learned this from you :-) A totally enjoying&fun activity

-Group reka cerita by looking at someone at a glance - Ooooo I love this. Do you know that your neighbour has RM 4million in the bank account and was married to singer while vacationing in Nevada, TX? And now that they divorced and their kids was sent to 3 zoos in 3continents of the world? Dont believe me? Ask your neighbour!